Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

Priests Need Our Prayers, Not Judgment

If he waits for people,
People say he has never been punctual
If he starts the Mass on time,
They say his watch is wrong
If he owns a car,
People say he is too luxurious.
If he does not have one,
They say he is always late.
If he asks for donations,
People say he is a money maker.
If he does not ask,
They say he is proud and lazy.
If he is seen with women,
People say he is a playboy.
If he goes with men,
They say he is a sissy.
If he preaches too long
People say they get bored.
If his homily is too short,
They say he is unprepared.
If he visits houses,
People say he is always out.
If he stays in the convent,
They say he has no time for them.
If he is too young
People say he has no experience
If he is too old.
They say he should retire.

The sad thing is…

(From Unknown Source)

Things to remember:

Priests are committed to serving God and his Church. They deserve our fraternal love and our respect, as we give to our parents and our children. But they are human. They can do great things, but they can also make mistakes. We can praise them and celebrate the good things they do, while at the same time fairly criticizing the bad things they have done. If we purposely do only one and not both, we are not helping them. In fact, we are destroying their vocation and compromising the spiritual life of other souls under their care. 

Epistles Philippines

Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

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