Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

About me

Thank you for visiting epistlesph, a personal blog and repository of articles, letters, documents, testimonials, books and other forms of messages that promote awareness and defend the Sacred Deposit of Faith!

In June 2023, Epistles Philippines was born in an effort to help combat misinformation against the alleged Marian apparition in Lipa, Batangas, under the title “Mediatrix of All Grace.” Several exorcists have stated in their talks and writings that the Lipa phenomenon was of demonic origin. Many Catholics, out of ignorance, have taken up the words of the exorcists and have begun to attack the devotees of the Mediatrix. For this reason, I have published a significant number of articles.

But Lipa is but a small part of my apostolate. My main goal has always been the same: “to refresh the spirit of pastors and the rest of the faithful” (Apostolicam Actuositatem 10) with contents that would help defend the Sacred Deposit of Faith. I am convinced that traditional practices such as the Traditional Latin Mass, contemplative prayer, fasting, and almsgiving would help resolve the crisis of faith the church is undergoing. So, you will see many posts promoting the TLM, among other topics in defense of Catholicism in this site.

My name is Jong, a husband and father of three beautiful kids. I and my wife raise our children in Tayabas City, about three hours drive south from Manila, Philippines.

I’m an ordinary Catholic who is aware of the crisis of faith that our Mother Church is experiencing. I know most Catholics are no longer interested in guarding the true deposit of faith that was handed down to us by our beloved Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles. Many disregard what the Church encourages them to do, and so they succumb to the temptations of the world, not knowing that all is vanity unless God is involved in every struggle and success they experience.

Nowadays, not many Catholics support the mission of the Church, spiritually, physically and financially, so she is left with very few loyal groups of faithful who defend her doctrines against modernism, secularism and many other movements that were established mainly with the purpose of attacking the very core of Christianity.

With no hope that the Church can counter these attacks, her leaders think that by sacrificing Church doctrines in exchange for the support of the modern world, they can sustain the visible structure of the Church. So, they decided to side with big corporations, the secular media, and other haters of the Church, in the name of “charity”, “love”, “ecumenism”, “inclusive capitalism”, and many other confusing terminologies being used.

But this was, of course, a mistake in the first place, for which the Church now suffers. As many can also see, there is a painful percentage of Catholics who, besides their lack of the belief in the Real Presence, now support evil ideologies, teachings, and practices that contradict the deposit of faith such as abortion, fornication, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc.

What is surprising is that the hierarchy itself is promoting these evils within the Church through their ambiguous or confusing words and actions.

There are some clerics who oppose these evil attacks, but they are so powerless that they don’t even get a chance to voice their concerns for fear of the hierarchy. Those who did have the chance to speak were canceled or relieved of their roles.

So, if there is one group of Catholics that can save the Church from this ongoing crisis, it will be mainly the faithful laity.

We need to fight against all kinds of attacks against the Church. We need to do something to re-evangelize fellow Catholics and re-claim the Church that we all love from the hands of these wolves in sheep clothing. As I have shared in a post, quoting Apostolicam Actuositatem, amember who fails to make his proper contribution to the development of the Church must be said to be useful neither to the Church nor to himself.” The same document also states that “the laity with the right apostolic attitude supply what is lacking to their brethren and refresh the spirit of pastors and of the rest of the faithful.”

This was what triggered my personal apostolate. I want to help the Church promote the sense of the sacred by posting articles related to the Traditional Latin Mass, abuse-free Novus Ordo Mass (like EWTN Masses), Catholic Apologetics, Pro-Life, and other things that promote the goodness of the Church. By doing so, I am confident that I am helping the Church in her fight against all forms of evil and hopefully I can help snatch some souls out of the fire (Jude 23) and bring them back to the Sacraments.

Although my contents are addressed to the universal Church, I have no authority over the souls of my audience.  I do have authority over the souls of my wife and my three children. It is for them that I exert my effort, time, and money for this website, which in the future will become a book, in the hope that its contents may help them become salt of the earth and light of the world (Matthew 5:13) for the glory of God. Amen.


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Invest in good books that can help you and your family grow in spirituality, that is, closer to God’s grace through the Church’s valid and licit Sacraments.