Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

CBCP Circular No. 24-03 on the Lipa Case

To the Most Rev. Archbishops and Bishops of the Philippines

Your Excellencies,

Allow me to convey to you a letter from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with Prot. N. 226/1949, signed by His Eminence, Cardinal Victor Fernandez, the current prefect of the said Dicastery.

The letter, which is self-explanatory, is in reply to an inquiry which I sent earlier to the same Dicastery in Rome through the Apostolic Nunciature. It has two attached documents which I have been given the permission to disclose to the members of the СВСР.

You may bring the letter to the attention of the faithful, especially the devotees who venerate the image of the Blessed Mother by the title, “Mediatrix of All Grace”, associated with the alleged Marian apparitions in Lipa.

Towards the end of his letter, Cardinal Fernandez says, “…since the non-supernatural nature of the aforementioned events has been clearly established, it now seems appropriate that for the future, unless further intervention by this Dicastery becomes necessary, it should be this Episcopal Conference that discerns what is necessary for the good of the faithful regarding the aforementioned events.”

Thanking you most sincerely for your kind attention, I remain,

Very sincerely yours in the Lord,


Pablo Virgilio S. David, D.D.
Bishop of Kalookan
CBCP President
19 February 2024

Epistles Philippines

Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

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