
Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

On the Questionable Exorcism at Carmel Lipa

A while ago, I had a discussion with another observer of the Lipa events. This individual is a typical critic of the alleged apparitions that relies solely on superficial materials and the words of certain exorcists who have declared that the Mediatrix statues and devotions to Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace, were caused by some demonic activities.

The focus of our conversation was the clandestine exorcism that took place at the site. This exorcism was conducted without the consent of the resident nuns and with questionable permission from the Archbishop of Lipa, which could be an offense against Church Law.

Here is our short conversation:

[๐—™๐—ฅ๐—”๐—ก๐—–๐—œ๐—ฆ] This place had to be exorcised some years ago.

[๐— ๐—˜] They unnecessarily did an exorcism but without the consent of the carmelites who are the custodians of the place, a possible violation of church standard norm nowadays. This might be the next canonical (not civil) case filed against the clergy involved.

[๐—™๐—ฅ๐—”๐—ก๐—–๐—œ๐—ฆ] Exorcists answer only to the territorial ordinary. Not anyone in the regular arm of the church. Furthermore, exorcists cannot act on their own. The exorcists in question did testify that the shrine was actually infested.

[๐— ๐—˜] Yes. I know the story and here is why I think you are wrong. Canon law 1172 states that exorcists cannot function without a prelate’s permission, and nowadays, unlike in the previous centuries, a consent from the subject or custodians is needed. In this specific case we are referring to, there is no enough evidence that the process was followed. So it’s a strong canonical offense against the exorcists and the prelate.
You can believe the exorcists, that’s not a problem to me. I can only speak for myself. There is no concrete proof that Archbishop Garcera and/or the nuns permitted those exorcists to perform exorcism at the site.ย  You know if you do something against Canon Law you means you bend the Divine Law. This is why I cannot believe the disobedient exorcists in this case as of this moment. I intentionally say in this specific case with Lipa because I am a fan of Amorth, Ripperger, Vlai, Syquia, Cabading, Zerudo, Legazpi, and others (except Darwin). I read their work and I follow them, but they do not have any authority to declare anything related to a mystical phenomenon. That is just not their job. I mean they can do it and you can believe them but they have no authority whatsoever.ย  Furthermore, they have been warned by CBCP not to attack Lipa, but they insist. Another act of disobedience. So, you can blindly accept their declaration or you can disuade yourself from sinning for deliberately not analyzing the situation and study the Lipa case yourself. I have tons of articles, documents in favor and against Lipa in my blog. Maybe it’s a good start for you.
To conclude, you have a good point.ย  But its one of those that have been repeatedly asked that was alread repeatedly answered. So, dig deeper. This is my brotherly advice.

[๐—™๐—ฅ๐—”๐—ก๐—–๐—œ๐—ฆ] Is Garcera alive? You can just ask him if he is. I know that the exorcist who handled Lipa is. Why not contact him? Problem solved.

[๐— ๐—˜] Im commenting as an observer only. Im not a devotee. Im not directly under Garcera. But you can contact him if you have doubts that worries you. I have no doubts that worries me. Im at peace. This is not my problem. I’m just helping the devotees probono. But yes, when I have the chance I will ask him personally. But not my priority nowadays.

[๐—™๐—ฅ๐—”๐—ก๐—–๐—œ๐—ฆ] I don’t have any doubts. The apparitions at Lipa have been declared false by the proper authorities possessing the charism to do so.
I have been studying private revelation for decades. For every authentic and approved private revelation, there are hundreds of false ones drowning out the messages. Most of the false apparitions are fraudsters and scammers. A small number of them are preternatural (demonic) in origin.
And that should scare you. I know it does me. Richard Sbalto, before his death had an Apostolate documenting both true and false religious apparitions. His research is still online.

[๐— ๐—˜] Nope. I can discard all other apparitions even the approved ones If I need to. The unapproved ones, I hesitate to comment on them. But Lipa is unique. It’s worth defending.
In any case, I see your view is quite focus on church authorities being always right, that they cannot err. I think this is the distinction between us. Evidence are there. Dig deeper, brother! This is the only way to find out if you are on the right side. I did it last year and I am happy I did.

[End of Message]

Note for the open-minded: Please check this page containing articles and important documents in favor and against Lipa. It is always charitable to study the case thorougly first before commenting against Lipa.

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