Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

Note to Pope Francis

Your Holiness,

You confuse many people when you try to justify a scandal using another scandal. It’s a scandal for an ordained minister to intentionally bless anyone (a businessman, a homosexual couple, a proabort politician, etc.) who does not resolve to change especially when there is no effort on the part of the minister to reproach one’s sins.

Without a repentant and contrite heart, a blessing of any form has no effect because God respects one’s free will. A blessing is a sacramental with one purpose: for souls to frequent the Sacraments. But you seem to want to bless and lead sinners to the Holy Communion and bypass the Sacrament of Confession, which is another scandal and a sin of sacrilege.

Blessing unrepentant public sinners may show God’s compassion to the world, but it does not fully fulfill your pastoral responsibilities as an ordained minister because the gesture leans toward tolerating their sinful lifestyle rather than offering guidance for their salvation.

This also inadvertently sends a message that Catholicism is just another worldly group that promotes social welfare for everyone, which ultimately renders the practice of the Catholic faith irrelevant.

Therefore, this approach does not contribute in any way to the betterment of the Church. And, your Holiness, anyone who does not contribute adequately to the development of the Church is useless to the Church or to himself. (AA 2) So, we beg you to please inspire us to be useful members by giving us good examples so that together we can defend the Sacred Deposit of Faith, and not water it down.

The mission of the Church is to bring the message and grace of Christ to men and to penetrate and perfect the temporal order with the spirit of the Gospel. Her mission concerns the salvation of men, which is achieved by faith in Christ and by his grace. (AA 5,6) But the only way these graces can be communicated to souls is through the sacraments, especially the Sacrament of Penance which you deliberately omit in your teachings.

Please, your Holiness, inspire us to always remain in a state of grace by promoting the sacraments, for without them souls risk eternal damnation.

Please, your Holiness, confirm us in our faith by your words and actions instead of calling other members of the body of Christ “hypocrites“. We are scandalized by the vagueness of your words and actions because they contribute to the gradual destruction of the Church we love.

Yes! This destruction is being felt now and will continue for generations unless you and your collaborators put an end to it, Holy Father.

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