Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

Dr. Ralph Martin: ‘Fiducia Supplicans Has No Smell of the Gospel’


Well, this document that Cardinal Fernandez has published, I will say, it doesn’t have the smell of the gospel. You know, Jesus said, “Let your yes be yes, and your no be No”. Jesus said, “If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off, if your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out!” Jesus said. “you got to turn away from serious sin.”

Now, Francis is on record, saying that sexual sins are the least serious sin. That is not what the gospel or the Tradition of the Church say. It isn’t like we rank the different sins but there’s gravely wrong things that are very offensive to the Lord and very damaging to people and certainly sexual immorality is right in there.

You know, if it’s the least serious sin, it’s still a sin that can send you to hell. And that’s very, very clear in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Traditions, very, very clear, and Mary’s warnings at Fatima…

I’ve been talking about this for several years. I’ve seen it coming. I don’t want to say predicted it, but I did. This is the agenda. People continually look at the text of the document say well, there’s nothing explicitly heretical here, it’s on the edge, but there’s nothing specifically heretic here.

Some people say, well it’s a beautiful document, and so balanced, is so nuanced, is so sophisticated. But it isn’t just a matter of the text itself. It’s a matter of the context in which the text is issued. This text is issued in a ecclesial context, at Church context, a world context, a cultural context, where it’s going to be interpreted, just as it has been, and it’s another step forward to approving same sex relationships and diminishing the importance of sexual immorality. That’s what people got the whiffed of. It doesn’t have the smell of the gospel…

I’m also saddened because what this is doing is bringing into question the stability of the Catholic Church’s Magisterium. I mean this is, there’s wavering, there’s apparent contradictions. There’s obvious leanings in the direction of accommodating to the culture and this was very disturbing to many people. African bishop after African bishops said that our people are disturbed, our people are scandalized, and they should be!

What we really need to do is to hear from our leadership, a clear proclamation of the gospel, we need to not only be concerned about the smell of the sheep and the smell of Francis, we need to think about the aroma of Christ. And he’s a sign of contradiction, like my last video we talked about the prophecy of Simeon. He’s a sign of contradiction.

We want to welcome everybody we want to include everybody. We want to love everybody, no matter what their difficulties are, but we want to love them by gently leading them to repentance to faith to conversion. We want to be a welcoming church. You want to be an inclusive Church. But what we’re welcoming people is to meet Jesus Christ, who is so compassionate, he’ll forgive our sins will give us the grace of repentance, and the church through his Sacraments and through his teaching through his accompaniment, can lead us to the healing of our soul so that we can no longer be slaves to sin, no longer slaves to sexual sin or any kind of serious sin because Jesus Christ has set us free.

He says that, the scripture says, “when the Son has set you free, you’re free indeed.” But let’s help people meet the Son. Let’s help people meet Jesus and get deliverance from delusion of deception and false teaching. It comes down to the glorious freedom of the sons and daughters of God.”

Note: The full text (tracscribed by me) and the featured image of this post were taken from a YouTube video by Renewal Ministries on January 20, 2024 entitled Same-sex blessings: Clarity in the Confusions.

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