
Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

On Ousting the Mediatrix for Another Marian Devotion

Most attackers of the Mediatrix devotion tend to oust Mary’s chosen title in Lipa by proposing another Marian devotion. I find it very uncharitable. There is a lack of solidarity with this approach. Also, it can be sinful if done aggressively without taking into consideration the consciences of each devotees.

In my previous posts I have mentioned that it is a sin against conscience when devotees are dictated to abandon their love for the Mediatrix of All Grace and devote themselves to other devotions without taking into account that it takes time, sometimes even a lifetime, to form and practice a devotion.

What do these attackers and their followers have in common? Against God’s will, they are determined to attack and eradicate the Mediatrix devotion.

As an example, we all know that when Archbishop Garcera issues a message, he would ask the faithful devotees of Lipa to ask for the intercession of Our Lady of Caysasay. Another example is a person running a page in Facebook who wants Pinoy Catholics to invoke the intercession of Our Lady of Naval to pray about the tension in the West Philippine Sea, but at the same time he attacks Mary herself and her Mediatrix devotees by asking Filipinos not to invoke her title as Mediatrix of All Grace for the said cause.

But I know they can never succeed because the highest office of the Holy See supports the devotion. Moreover, I was told that most of the CBCP bishops and Filipino priests are neutral or supportive of the devotion. We should also take into account the growing number of devotees inside and outside the country.

I am concerned with the souls of these attackers. When they face Jesus on judgment day, how would they reason with Him? The conversation would probably go like this, and I am not sure how they would respond. 

Jesus: Why did you ask my other children to ignore my mother, who is truly also my Mediatrix?
Them: Some exorcists and church leaders inspired us to do it. I was only doing what I thought was necessary.
Jesus: Shouldn’t you have done what I thought was necessary?
Them: But…
Jesus: My Mediatrix visited Lipa for a reason, for the good of your country and the whole world. Haven’t you studied the apparitions enough? Didn’t you know that some of my priests, even bishops, can make mistakes? Didn’t you believe in the many miracles I did through Lipa? You already know from the start that Satan despises Me and my Mother. He will do everything possible to influence many to turn away from this grace. Haven’t you thought of this?

A page with articles and church documents  in favor and against Lipa

As I have pleaded many times, please, the least we can do is to pray for the reopening of the Lipa case. As learned Catholics who know how to think, whose side do we take? Do we favor, support, and defend the oppressed, or do we blindly become collaborators of the oppressors?

Photo sources: Our Lady of Caysasay (Facebook post by Bienvenido Bancoro Jr), La Naval de Manila (Facebook post by La Naval de Manila)

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