Fidei Depositum Custodiendum

Cardinal Vidal’s Prayer Campaign Amidst Tension in WPS

June 19, 2014

Your Eminences, Your Excellencies, Reverend Administrators,

Sometime back, I was approached by the devotees of the Blessed Mother who sought to secure an “Imprimatur” for a compilation of messages given to Teresita L. Castillo, the seer of Lipa. I granted their request, and the compilation has been published in pamphlet form. Your Excellencies, Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles, Angel N. Lagdameo provided a foreword and message for this compilation entitled “I am Mary Mediatrix of All Grace”

Current events in the geo-political situation in our part of the world lead me to provide you a copy of this pamphlet with specific reference to page 40 which sets forth a prophetic message regarding China’s expansionist ambitions “Pray hard for China’s dream to invade the whole world. The Philippines is one of its favorites. Money is the evil force that will lead the people of the world to destruction”) given on October 17, 1949, sixteen days after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China).

I note that events are slowly but surely unfolding along the lines indicated by the prophecy. It is this ever-growing urgency which makes a PASTORAL RESPONSE IMPERATIVE on our part; a prayer crusade for the peace and security of the Philippines amidst the ongoing geo-political crisis is most appropriate.

For this purpose, I likewise enclose the Prayer of the Pueblo Amante de Maria which I will be reciting at the Eucharistic Sacrifice I will celebrate at Lipa Carmel on September 12, 2014, as I wish to place the safety of every Filipinos in the hands of Mary Mediatrix of All Grace.

Should any ecclesiastical jurisdiction such as the Military Ordinariate whose parishioners are directly affected by the expansive territorial claims of China wish to immediately adopt and propagate this prayer as its own they may do so even before September 12.

I have requested Mrs. Nieves Puyod, Mrs. Marinel Magalona, Mrs. Jocelyn Misanes to coordinate this prayer crusade and they have signified to me their intention to provide suppliers of Mediatrix literature, prayer cards and other printed matter that can help different dioceses to participate in this prayer campaign.

I close by recalling the last part of the message of Mary Mediatrix of All Grace given on October 17, 1949: “Prayers, sacrifices, self-denials and the daily recitation of the rosary will soften the heart of my Son as I have said before”

I trust that this note of hope of the Blessed Mother will spur us to follow the path of prayer and penance indicated to us in Fatima and reiterated at Lipa, for the sake of our beloved Philippines.

Maraming Salamat po!

Devotedly Yours in Mary,

Archbishop of Cebu

04 July 2015

His Excellency
Archbishop of Jaro, Iloilo

Your Excellency,

Ever since Archbishop Ramon Arguelles assumed the leadership of the Archdiocese of Lipa, devotion to Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace has grown tremendously so much so that devotion to the Blessed Mother under this title that she pronounced at Carmel Lipa has reached practically all ecclesiastical jurisdictions in the Philippines.

On June 4, 2015, the archbishop of Lipa set another milestone in the growth of devotion to the Mediatrix in the course of a homily by stating: “Risking the displeasure of some people even in the highest levels of Church leadership, I declare today what I always have at heart: Mary Mediatrix of All Grace of Lipa is worthy of belief.”

This is yet another approval of Lipa, completing the process of the rehabilitation of the apparitions set in motion by Archbishop Gaviola when in 1991 he allowed for the return of veneration of the image of Mary Mediatrix at the Carmel of Lipa.

With our country and the world facing monumental challenges in which human prudence is unavailing, I fully support your suggestion to me that we
ask the bishops that will be gathered in Tagaytay to make an act of collegial consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace, at the
last day of their retreat to draw down the graces for their deliberations.

May your modest proposal be done by the bishops before you all proceed to Manila for the plenary assembly.

I hope that the general assembly will also express its appreciation and gratitude to Archbishop Arguelles for his momentous declaration in favor of Mary Mediatrix of All Grace.

May she be always present in all her maternal kindness at the meetings of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Trusting always in Mary
Mediatrix, I remain.

Yours in the Blessed Virgin,

Archbishop Emeritus of Cebu

Source: Mediatrix Lipa

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